by Ilaria Salerno
MONACO. It all started in 1999! During the 20th edition all records need to be broken to raise funds for children in need! The No Finish Line® is a solidarity event that has existed since 1999 in Monaco. Placed under the High Patronage of His Serene Highness the Sovereign Prince Albert II, this race is open to all, champions, runners and simple walkers.
The 2019 edition will take place from November 16th at 2:00 pm to November 24th, 2019 at 2:00 pm at the Chapiteau de Fontvieille. The principle is simple and accessible to all: it is about running or walking on a circuit of about 1400 meters, open 24/24 for 8 days, as many times as desired and as many kilometers as desired. Attendants are free to participate walking or running just one hour per day or run a marathon per day. Attendants can choose to participate alone or in a team.
Thanks to registrations, donors and sponsors, for every kilometer traveled, Children & Future donates € 1 to support projects for underprivileged and sick children. The objectives of Children & Future are to promote and to contribute to the defense and respect of the rights of the children around the world, by realizing or supporting projects that improve their living conditions in terms of health, education, hygiene, of nutrition without distinction of origin, religion or sex.
The History of Children&Future is profoundly tied to another great Anniversaries. 60 years ago, on November 20th, 1959 the Declaration of the Rights of the Child was officially born. Thirty years after, on November 20th, 1989 the International Convention on the Rights of the Child was undersigned. Just one year before, in 1998 the Young International Chamber promoted a motion at the UN instituting every 20th November the Universal Day of the Rights of the Child. To support this motion, the Young Economic Chamber of Monaco has devised various projects including the No Finish Line (NFL). On November 20th, 1999 in Monaco the Establishment of the Monegasque Day of the Rights of the Child was a reality! In 2001, after two editions, the “Children & Future” association was created in order to better perpetuate this event and develop it in complete freedom. Children & Future’s challenge is to pay the benefits of its events to the projects it supports for children. The association especially enable underprivileged children suffering from cardiac malformations to be operated in the Principality of Monaco.

A team of amateur sportsmen organize professional events to raise funds. To raise awareness of Children’s Rights Day and promote actions, Children & Future organizes the NFL every year, as well as other events, including the NFL Dance Contest. “Children & Future” is placed under the high patronage of H.S.H. Prince Sovereign Albert II, who supports it since the 1st edition and who makes to it the honor each year to come to run on the circuit of No Finish Line. Initially running, representing the physical effort that the body in good health is able to produce, it is towards the artistic that a second event, the NFL Dance Contest, is oriented. Dance requires excellent physical conditions. It touches children, teenagers and adults, devouring their passion in many dance schools.
The idea came to organize a competition representing all categories of dances, modern and classical, individual or in groups. The dance is brought on stage for the pleasure, the emotion of the spectator. If the choreographer and the dancers are good, the show is good. In a spirit of friendly but professional competition, the NFL Dance invites the public to discover the work of dozens of amateur dancers who have come to compete for the NFL trophy and allow other children, less fortunate, to find a better health. This competition is open to all dance schools in France and Italy. The entire organization is made up of a team of about forty volunteers sensitized by the injustice that children suffer in the world, and it is only in this respect that they mobilize to defend their rights. Most of the members work or live in the Principality, reflecting their attachment to Monaco. Since 2005 Children&Future is proudly supported by Princess Stephanie who acts as god-mother of the association. Children & Future does not support any operating costs: telephone, fax, postage, office space, secretariat, travel, … are supported by the members of the association or by partner companies. Communication and NFL race logistics are the only expenses of the association. All sums collected during the year are donated to the selected projects, the revenue from NFL and NFL Dance registrations, sponsors, sponsored teams € 1 / km or even generous donors. As for the No Finish Line Run especially, attendants too can commit to donating 1 € for each kilometer performed.
As for NFL Dance, a ticket office is open in the FNAC networks or at the participating schools: Price: Adults 15 € – Children 10€ – For more informations: Children & Future – 2 Av St Laurent -MC 98000 Monaco – MAD-ORGANISATION MADMONACO.COM – Monaco Arts + Danses -tel : +377 93 50 31 66