by Virginia De Masi
MONACO. Following the appeal made of Mr. Italo Muratore, President of the Monaco Association OdP-TRIF to our director Mr. Ilio Masprone, knight of the Principality of Monaco for cultural merit, we publish and forward the following message:
“Dear friends,
at the very welcome request of Alessandro Dalmasso, our Vice President but first of all President of OASIS FOR PEACE of which our Observatory is an Emeritus Member, it is our greatest pleasure to communicate the message of OFP, awarded by H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco the 1st Prize of the international photo contest “PRIX DU PUBLIC” OSI – ORGANISME DE SOLIDARITÉ INTERNATIONALE – ( Thank you, dear Alessandro. As always, the warmest congratulations for the precious help and support that your Foundation gives with passion and great commitment to young people. We adhere with great pleasure to the nice invitation of H.S.H. Prince Albert II, Sovereign of Monaco to taste OASIS CAFE!”
I beg you to appreciate the photos that summarizes the OASIS CAFÉ project in favour of our sister Association OASIS DE AMOR Y PAZ for the recovery of young people in Colombia and to read the letter below that I received by Mr. Dalmasso:
“Dear friends,
We are proudly publishing the images that summarizes the Oasis Café project in favour of the young people of our sister Colombian foundation Oasis de Amor y Paz. The participants were all important international humanitarian organizations, and the voting public chose our project. H.S.H the Sovereign Prince presided over the Award ceremony appreciating our commitment to vulnerable people, especially young people, through the creation of entrepreneurial activities in difficult places. The Prince ended with a lovely and clear appreciation to Oasis Café: “Drink it, Oasis Café is very good, and I recommend it!” he said.
Italo Muratore
President of OdP-TRIF – Observatoire du Paysage Transfrontalier de la Riviera Italienne et Française Rio Termini – Fleuve Var (Cross-border Landscape Observatory of the Italian-French Riviera Rio Termini – Var River) – Association de Droit Monégasque – 7 rue Suffren-Reymond – MC 98000 MONACO
Alessandro Dalmasso President of OFP – Oasis for Peace – Copyright © 2021 Oasis for Peace OFP, All rights reserved. Mailto: Oasis for Peace OFP – 11 Avenue De L’Hermitage – Montecarlo -98000
Care Amiche e cari Amici, su graditissima richiesta di Alessandro DALMASSO, nostro Vice Presidente ma prima ancora il Presidente di OASIS FOR PEACE, della quale il nostro Osservatorio è Membro Emerito, con il più grande piacere ritrasmettiamo ai nostri Soci ma anche a tutti gli Amici che ci seguono il messaggio di OFP che ci informa del conferimento del I° Premio al concorso fotografico internazionale “PRIX DU PUBLIC” di OSI – ORGANISME DE SOLIDARITÉ INTERNATIONALE di Monaco, da parte di S.A.S. il Principe Alberto II, con la foto che sintetizza il Progetto OASIS CAFÉ a favore della consorella OASIS DE AMOR Y PAZ per il recupero dei giovani in Colombia. Grazie caro Alessandro, e come sempre i più vivi complimenti per la preziosa azione di aiuto e sostegno ai giovani che le vostre benemerite Fondazioni operano con passione e grande impegno. E aderiamo con grande piacere all’invito, fatto con grande spirito e simpatia da S.A.S. il Principe Sovrano Alberto II, di degustare OASIS CAFE! Cordialissimi saluti, Italo MURATORE – Presidente di OdP-TRIF
Chères Amies, Chers Amis, à la demande très apprécié d’Alessandro DALMASSO, notre Vice-Président mais avant tout le Président d’OASIS FOR PEACE dont notre Observatoire est Membre Émérite, c’est avec le plus grand plaisir que nous renvoyons à nos Membres mais aussi à tous les Amis qui nous suivent le message de l’OFP qui nous informe de l’attribution du 1er Prix au concours photo international “PRIX DU PUBLIC” d’OSI – ORGANISME DE SOLIDARITÉ INTERNATIONALE de Monaco, par SAS Prince Albert II, et à la photo qui résume le projet OASIS CAFÉ en faveur de la consœur OASIS DE AMOR Y PAZ pour la récupération des jeunes en Colombie. Merci cher Alessandro, et comme toujours les plus chaleureuses félicitations pour l’aide précieuse et le soutien aux jeunes que vos Fondations méritantes prêtent avec passion et un grand engagement. Et c’est avec grand plaisir que nous adhérons à l’invitation que Son Altesse Sérénissime le Prince Souverain Albert II, avec beaucoup d’esprit et de sympathie, nous adresse, à déguster OASIS CAFE! Bien cordialement, Italo MURATORE – Président de OdP – TRIF