by Ilaria Sismondini
Save my choice of dates below, from the first days on December 2018 to the New Year Eve 2019 and spend an amazing festive time in Monte-Carlo!

– SLAVA’S SNOWSHOW – The most spectacular clown for a Christmas come early! In 25 years, Slava’s Snowshow has become the LA clown shown of reference in the world. From Hong Kong to Sydney, from New York to Paris, this show offers a marvellous journey into the snowy world of Slava. On stage, Assisyai, a melancholy and shaggy clown in a yellow romper-suit and red slippers, invites the spectators to unlikely adventures of magic and poetry. A visual experience that is full of surprises, in which soap bubbles, giant cobwebs, snow storms and spooky green creatures await both young and old. Without saying a word, the troupe of mischievous and slightly crazed clowns turn the art of mime and clowning into an object of theatre in which our adult dramas as well as our dreams as eternal children are played out, inviting the spectators to let themselves be carried along and to let emotions be unleashed like a storm! A real epic filled with poetry and grace, of pranks and antics, and one which must be discovered urgently. Production Caramba Spectacles with Gwenael Allan and Slava-Creation and staged Slava Polunin – Duration of the show: 1:30 with break (70 mn + 10 mn of break)-Show recommended from 8 years to 108 years!
from 8 December 2018 to 3 January 2019 – Hôtel de Paris Monte-Carlo- Hôtel Hermitage Monte-Carlo
Monte-Carlo Bay Hotel & Resort – Café de Paris Monte-Carlo -Presentation of the Route of Nativity Scenes – A must-see – With the permission of H.S.H. Sovereign Prince Albert II of Monaco, Monaco’s first Route of Nativity Scenes dates back to 2014, when it was set up to contribute to the collective joy of the Christmas holiday and to share in the cultural diversity of various continents. Origin of the nativity scenes:Private collection (the nativity figures include the works of Simone Jouglas, Liliane Guiomar, Thérèse Neveu, Maryse Di Landro, Artera, Véronique Dornier, Juvin, etc.) Nativity scene created with agricultural objects by Provençal artist Michel Pozzetto. For more information, please email
– MONACO DANCE FORUM – In the framework of the Monaco Dance Forum public will discover a dance that is inventive, contemporary, perfectly off-beat, but always stimulating and generous. The festivities will begin with Dimitris Papaioannou. The creator of the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens offers immersion in a circus of the absurd with his show The Great Tamer, presented in Monaco after a two-year world tour (be careful, this ballet has nude scene). The public will then be able to discover Hofesh Schechter’s Grand Finale. Originally from Israel, a breeding ground for dancers and artists that revolves around the Batsheva, the London choreographer has imposed his powerful style, drawing from the energy of rock concerts, to show a humanity that is sometimes adrift. And finally, the Grimaldi Forum’s Salle des Princes will host the Malandain Biarritz Ballet who will present a piece entitled Noé. Through the myth of the Flood, Thierry Malandain imagines how a human being climbing on board the ark liquidates the past to start over again from scratch. In parallel with these shows, there will be symposiums, screenings, workshops and master classes that will help make the Monaco Dance Forum an international platform for dance in the Principality.
– MINERAL EXPO MONACO -Fossils dating 500 million years with exceptional pieces: crane of tiger will be presented to the public (huge Ammonites, bones of dinosaurs, reptiles etc.). Crystals of the whole world, the infinitely colored minerals, the shells, the jewels, the fascinating precious stones and the rare gemstones … Exhibitors: coming from Pakistan, Morocco, Spain, Madagascar, Italy, Belgium, Germany, Mexico, Brazil who propose to the public of real marvels. Opening: 10am to 6pm.Price: €5,00 – free access under 8 years. More infos: tel 06 51 033978 –
TROPHIES OF THE ENTREPRENEURSHIP -The “Jeune Chambre Economique” will award the trophies to the winners of a year rich in entrepreneurship.

THURSDAY LIVE SESSIONS – THE BUTTSHAKERS -Inspired by the mesmerizing voice and energy of the seductive and charismatic Ciara Thompson, The Buttshakers deliver hot, raw soul that lingers on the blues and addictive rhythms that they love so much. Going beyond the limits imposed by their hard-hitting six-person lineup, and with the help of percussion, extra brass, psychedelic keyboards and slide-guitars, this sextet band puts its productions forward to concretize their musical ideas. They thus deliver a rhythm n’blues with a touch of garage, and a high dose of sex appeal that make their songs powerful hits, transforming their shows into raging dancefloors. 18:30 DJ selection – 20:30 Live -Free entry – Reservations recommended – tel: +377 9999 2020
December – BRICKLIVE MONACO – Following the success of BRICKLIVE Christmas in London’s Saatchi Gallery in 2017, BRICKLIVE Christmas will now head to the Grimaldi Forum to offer fans the ultimate brick-building experience for the entire family during the Christmas holidays. From brick-built Christmas decorations to a dedicated Star Wars Zone, the show is a must-visit for fans of all ages and the perfect way to celebrate the festive season. Visitors can expect an interactive experience, stretching across the Grimaldi Forum. Enthusiasts will be able to explore themed zones and build their way through a unique seasonal journey. From Christmas and creative build zones, through to Minecraft and Galactic adventures, each zone will provide a different brick-based, interactive activity for fans to build their dream creations. BRICKLIVE Christmas will showcase all the best bits of BRICKLIVE shows in 2018, but with a super fun festive theme. Activities will include an interactive LEGO Friends area with a Monaco build map with all the favourite construction bricks, colourful brick pits with 250,000 bricks to create with, a 10m graffiti wall, our famously fun race ramps to shoot you cars down and much, much more. The main attraction of the event will be the professionally built Animal Paradise LEGO statues along with a selection of Christmas themed builds which provide lots and lots of selfie opportunities! Opening hours: Open every day (except December 25th and January 1st) from 10 am to 6 pm -Ticket price for one day:presale tickets at €15 -Full price = €20 – children under 12 = €16 – Free under 3.
from December 24th 2018 to the 2nd of February 2019 – CHURCH OF THE ANNUNCIATION, SAINTE RITA IN NICE – ART SANTON BY THE MAISON FOQUE – After New York, Tokyo, Rome, Paris …, a large crib composed of figurines from the famous Maison FOUQUE will be presented in the church of the Annunciation, commonly known as Sainte-Rita church, in Nice. Each year, several thousand visitors come specifically to Nice to discover the Christmas nativity scene of Sainte-Rita, renewed at each edition and considered as one of the most beautiful in Europe. For the first time, this nursery will be this year entirely composed of FOUQUE figurines. For this event, at the request of the organizers, the Maison FOUQUE workshops have specially created large santons (30 centimeters high). In addition to the traditional subjects composing the Nativity, Santons emblematic of life in Provence will also be present, including the famous Coup de Mistral ©, considered the masterpiece of art santon. FOUQUE Santons are known and collected around the world. They are unanimously recognized as being the reference in terms of collectible santons, nursery and decoration. The unique and ancestral know-how of Maison FOUQUE earned it the prestigious “Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant” label in 2007. Church of the Annunciation, Sainte-Rita –1, rue de la Poissonnerie 06000 Nice Exhibition from December 24 to February 2, 2019 – Free admission
28-29 -30 December 2018 at 8 pm – GRIMALDI FORUM – SALLE DES PRINCES – THE NUTCRACKER BY THE MOSCOW CLASSICAL BALLET – Natalia Kasatkina (Principal ballet master) and Vladimir Vasilyov (General and Artistic Director) – “The Nutcracker” by P.I.Tchaikovsky is one of the most popular ballets in the world, a colorful and beautiful masterpiece that celebrates music, authentic choreography and festive atmosphere of the winter season. The creative producers carefully conveyed the fascination of the fairy tale and, at the same time, introduced the spirit of a romantic mystery and genuine feelings into the show. This outstanding, magical performance would definitely engage both children and adults. The current production preserved the famous choreography by Vasily Vainonen featuring the dance of the dolls, Waltz of the Snowflakes, the Flower Waltz, and the Grand Pas de Deux performed by the main characters. By contrast, the first act has undergone a complete adaptation in a new version by Natalia Kasatkina and Vladimir Vasilyov. It includes the procession of the guests along the city streets blanketed with snow, merry turmoil under the Christmas-tree, young people running around and reserved joyance of the older generation. The audience is always delighted to see the appearance of seven headed Mouse King, falsely forgotten by the other variations of «The Nutcracker» ballet. By BerinArt, Grimaldi Forum Monaco and the Grand Moscow Classical State Ballet of Natalia Kasatkina and Vladimir Vasilyov.