by Marisol Bertero MOSCOW. If you plan a journey to Moscow, do not miss to pay a visit to the new State Tretyakov Gallery at 10, Lavrushinsky Lane – halls 49-54. The exhibition is open until November 13 2016, organized in collaboration with the Federal Archives Agency of Russia, the State Archive of the Russian Federation, the Grimaldi Forum, and the New National Museum of Monaco. The aim of the project is to tell the public about the history of relations between the two dynasties. In the halls of the gallery are presented the archive documents of Russia and Monaco, specific prints, paintings and sculptural portraits . Among the items is the 1895 Fabergé Blue Serpent Clock Egg that was gifted to Tsarina Maria Feodorovna. The Blue Serpent Egg entered the Royal Family of Monaco in 1974 and soon became a favorite of Princess Grace. After her death in 1981, Prince Rainer sealed her suite, preserving the room as a memorial and keeping the Blue Serpent Egg from public view.
The Blue Serpent Clock Egg is a Tsar Imperial Fabergé Egg , one of a series of fifty-two jeweled eggs made under the supervision of Peter Carl Fabergé for the Russian Imperial Family. It is currently owned by Prince Albert II, and it is held in Monaco. On Oct 14, 2008 the Imperial Egg was exhibited in Manhattan, N.Y. Heather Acheson was representing Prince Albert II of Monaco, André Saint-Mleux CFO Prosodie and Maguy Maccario-Doyle, Consul General of Monaco could admire the 1895 Fabergé Blue Serpent Clock Egg at the Monaco Consulate ahead of the exhibition at The Cleveland Museum of Art.